Are you a beginner to sun salutation?

If you are curious to know everything about Sun Salutation - how to do it right, when to practice it or how many rounds at one time, here's a list of some of the 'must-knows' for Sun Salutation beginners.

What is Surya Namaskar?

Sun Salutation is said to be a complete body workout. Yoga experts say that doing 12 sets of Sun Salutation translates into doing 288 powerful yoga poses in a span of 12 to 15 minutes! Sun Salutation is another example of how good things come in small (read quick) packages.

Surya Namaskar = Full body workout

Facing a time crunch? Want to feel fit but don't know how? Welcome to the world of Surya Namaskar. Literally translated as sun salutation, Surya Namaskar comprises a sequence of 12 yoga postures. The best part about Sun Salutation is that it works well for those 'super busy' people who often complain about not being able to do yoga because of time constraints. Doing at least 12 sets of Sun Salutation, preferably at sunrise, at a fast pace provide a good cardiovascular workout. If done at a slow pace, these postures help tone the muscles and can be relaxing and meditative. Moreover, it allows you to enjoy the stretch and feel the body getting flexible.

Why do Sun Salutation?

This is probably the first question that comes to most of our minds. Sun Salutation can be a great workout for the whole body - stretching, flexing and toning the muscles, an excellent exercise for weight loss. It also offers numerous health benefits beyond the physical level, relaxing the mind and leading it to meditation.

Best time to do Sun Salutation?

It is a good idea to do Surya Namaskar early morning at sunrise, on an empty stomach.

Where should I do Surya Namaskar?

Although there is no restriction to the place of practice, you might enjoy your stretches more outdoors or at a well-ventilated room, overlooking nature.

Respect your body limit; do not overstretch.

As a beginner, you might be tempted to imitate your yoga teacher or fellow practitioner. But remember, each body has a different capacity and different flexibility. The idea is not to compete with anyone. Do only as much as you can or your body can take.

Can I do Sun Salutation in the evening?

Yes. You can practice Sun Salutation at sunrise and sunset. When the moon is visible, you can practice Moon Salutation ( Chandra Namaskar) which has one additional yoga posture in the Sun Salutation sequence.

What is the ideal number of Surya Namaskars?

It is a good idea to do at least 12 rounds of Surya Namaskars daily (one set consists of two rounds). However, as a beginner to this yoga practice, you could start with two to four rounds and then gradually go up to as many as you can comfortably do (even up to 108 if you can!)

Ideally, the practice is done in sets. This will ensure that both sides of the body are equally used.

Sun Salutation alone is not sufficient; combine it with other yoga postures. Although Sun Salutation is a complete body workout, it is good to top it up with other more intense yoga postures for a complete fitness experience. Consult your Yoga teacher to find the best yoga poses that should follow Surya Namaskar.

What speed should I follow for Sun Salutation?

Practicing Sun Salutation at different speeds (slow, medium or fast) can have different effects. If done at a slow pace, it can help strengthen and tone body muscles. Use the breath as an effective tool in slow movements to bring the body, mind and breath in harmony and enjoy a complete meditative experience. A few rounds of quick Sun Salutations can be a great cardiac workout. If you are doing Surya Namaskar as a warm-up exercise, do it at a fast pace. But if Sun Salutation is included in the entire yoga posture package, you can do it at slow to medium pace.

Learn Sun Salutation under supervision

Like any other yoga posture practice, it is important to learn Sun Salutation under the guidance of a trained and experienced yoga teacher.

Be regular and committed to your yoga practice

To achieve best results, ensure that you practice Sun Salutation regularly. Only then would you be able to experience its benefits. To quote Krishan Verma, senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher, "It is better to practice daily for 20 minutes than to practice for an hour occasionally."

Health benefits of Surya namaskar

The benefits of these 12 series of Suryanamaskars or sun salutation postures are manifold. The very fact that the process provides the combined benefits of Asanas, Pranayama and exercise gives a clear idea about its real significance.

Contraindications in Surya Namaskar

Although Suryanamaskar is one of the best techniques to stretch your entire body, you should take certain precautions if you are suffering from certain ailments and health conditions like ulcer, inflamed joints, hypertension and vertigo. In fact, you should completely avoid these postures if you are diagnosed with cardiac disorders, hernia and severe renal disorders. Source-Times of India

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